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Work experience opportunities

Jeremy Broun occasionally offers informal and flexible work experience (maybe a few hours a week) that can help a young person choose a career path. 


The huge importance of the creative 
Practical Arts is it equips young people with valuable enabling life skills. See his Royal Society of Arts article.


Vehicle restoration

‘I was fortunate enough to spend two years working with Jeremy Broun. During this time I gained a vast amount of hands-on experience in woodworking, mechanics, electronics and problem solving. I was not only able to practice this unique set of skills on the workbench, but I also had the chance to help out with real life projects, such as a kit-car, a bird hide and some of Jeremy’s hand made guitars!  Jeremy is an engaging and informative teacher with a wealth of experience. I use the skills I have learned with Jeremy every day in my current job as a pipe organ builder’. 


                                                        Joe Tozer


Ps. Joe is one of the country's leading mandolin players (Carboard Fox) and also gigs and jams locally with other Bluegrass musicians. JB

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Sua Cho from South Korea was studying mechanical engineering at Bath University. She helped Jeremy for a few hours a week inbetween studies in his vehicle workshop to renew her interest in using her hands, giving balance to her computer-based studies. She also learned some woodwork skills:

Furniture making

Elsi Maine, a furniture student from Finland spent two months in Jeremy’s workshop under a tightly organized and diverse programme which also included visits and a short spell in another leading British furniture maker's workshop. Elsi helped with workshop chores, received one-to-one teaching and worked on her own projects.


‘Compared to what I learned at college, it was eye-opening to learn skills and vision that have came from years of experience'.

Video production

A sixth form student from Kingswood school in Bath spent around a month assisting Jeremy (Thinking Hand Video) make a craft documentary called ‘Alan Peters - The Makers’ Maker’ and she learned some valuable scripting and editing skills. She gained a job on leaving school as a researcher for BBC Television

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Who is Jeremy Broun?


Jeremy Broun is an award-winning designer maker, writer and teacher with vast and varied practical experience over a variety of materials disciplines. He has taught at schools in London, Glasgow and Bristol and at Millfield School, Bristol Polytechnic (teacher training), Rycotewood College and in Finland from where he has taken students under the Erasmus scheme. In recent years he was invited to become an inspector for The British Accreditation Council. He is organizer and one of the judges of  The Alan Peters Furniture Award, he is an award-winning woodworking author and since 1971 has written articles for the longest established UK woodworking magazine. 


© Copyright Jeremy Broun 2025

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